§ 101. Regulations constitute comprehensive zoning plan; consideration.  

Latest version.
  • The regulations set forth herein and applied to the various districts that are established hereby and which are delineated on the zoning map adopted hereby constitute a comprehensive zoning plan that (a) is made in consideration of the suitability of the various parts of the village for particular kinds and intensities of land use, taking into account both (1) the existing conditions and potentialities of land use within the village itself, and (2) the physical situation of the village in the metropolitan area of Miami-Dade County and its functional relationships to the other communities of the metropolitan area, and that (b) as a result of such consideration, recognizes the predominantly one-family residential character of the village, with all other uses of land either being incidental and convenient thereto or, if existing as a result of extraneous factors, being secondary thereto. It is the intention of this ordinance to preserve and enhance the one-family residential character of the village, making provision for such other uses as will contribute to this end, prohibiting such uses as would be in conflict therewith, and strictly limiting the intensity and extent of permitted uses the intensification and expansion of which would detract from the predominantly one-family residential character of the village, impair property values, or disturb the sense of security of community character that is an inseparable part of the enjoyment of the ownership of property.